Tonight's Poet Corner: Enter, If You Dare

Enter, If You Dare by Belinda Roddie A series of irrational actions I could take when my eyes are superglued into a staring contest with the void: 1. Shave my head, so my face can perfectly maintain the shape, color, and texture of a spoiled hard boiled egg. 2. Drink pickle juice straight from the jar - which I actually don't mind doing from time to time, but but in this situation, it would be for the sole purpose of drying out my blood cells and turning me into a second Dead Sea. 3. Paint my nails, but in the weirdest, most clashing hues - hot pinks and swamp greens and sad shithouse red, so no one pays attention to the stained words sticking to my teeth and only to the monstrosities bursting out of my fingers like Lovecraft's racist textual nightmares. 4. Adopt an otter. I will never adopt an otter. They are cute, but my cat would hate me forever. 5. Move to Montana and become a cowboy, including drinking myself to death with the help of the besotted bastards themselves, Jac...