Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Some nights you have a lot to say when not much has happened, and some nights you have nothing to say when a lot has happened. Tonight happens to be the latter. Mostly it's been the usual stuff: Getting myself to write, looking for a good career, etc. I did have a wonderful New Year's celebration with my family and my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I, of course, are closer than ever. And now it's all about keeping to my craft and keeping my head up. Plain and simple. Unlike last week, everything has gone smoothly according to blogging schedule, more missed OneWord entries at least for a while. Recommended Book: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen Great story of a delightfully dysfunctional family . Not a light read. Recommended Poet: William Stobb I got two books of poetry by him as a Christmas gift from my girlfriend. Look for Absentia and Nervous Systems . Recommended Music: Frank Sinatra I listened to him a lot at my family cabin. Good old jazz stand...