Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Today's National Coming Out Day. That means... Beyond that, however? It's been a lot. I've still developing so much as an educator. Trying to be consistent with procedures and expectations is really tough, especially when you're dealing with students with a lot of personality and a lot of hardships. The school I'm working at now is structured like I have to move double time; just when I just I could relax, I'm exhausted. It's a good kind of exhaustion most of the time, don't get me wrong. But I do sometimes worry I may burn out. So I'm doing my best to take care of myself. My eating schedule hasn't always been stellar, but I'm working on it. My sleep schedule? Meh. I try to get planning done quickly, especially since I get help and materials from my amazing colleagues. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes I grade quickly, and sometimes I drop the ball. I'm just pushing forward. In other news, I do feel like I'm gett...