Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Well. That happened. The country I live in now is not the same one I lived in during the last twenty-seven years of my life. It has grown darker. More fascist. More racist, sexist, and homophobic. All the progress I had seen from the last president - all the rights given to people like me, and to people not like me - I took it for granted. We all did. Amazing how it all can be overturned and reversed now. I'm not gonna lie: I have cried quite a bit over the last three days since the United States presidential election. I have not been able to write anything beyond the posts you see here, and that includes my, so far, failed attempt to do NaNoWriMo. Many fears of mine are boiling up in my stomach. Fear for those who might lose their healthcare. Fear of the destruction of the first amendment of the Constitution. Fear of losing access to many extraordinary artists on the Internet due to the imminent dismantling of net neutrality. Fear for Latinos, undocumented or not, who must...