Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Holy moly, what a week. Where to begin? Well, for starters, there was a fucking fire just a little bit away from Arden's and my condo. We had to force poor Binx into a carrier and wait outside where the local firefighters put it out. That put me in a mood for the rest of the week. Wrapping up the equivalent of a semester within a quarter's time is, and remains, super difficult. I hate still accidentally hurting people I love. Can I please just be a perfect android already? Tonight was so fun, though. OK Zoomer did a mash-up of Peanuts and Hocus Pocus, and I was living for it. I also got to play Peppermint Patty - my first lesbian icon! I know, I know - don't slap an orientation on a cartoon kid. But come on. Peppermint Patty x Marcie = endgame! I am super grateful for the friends I've made, despite most of them being on the east coast and very, very far away from me. But there's a lot of fun stuff on the horizon. Also, vote for Biden. You vote for Trump, and I want...