This is an untitled, unfinished novel that was technically left alone in late 2008. However, the last time it was modified and checked for errors was 2011, where upon I decided that the absurdity of the plot combined with the sloppy British research was too much for the story to continue. However, seeing as this is Whims of the Time Traveler, it's a perfect example of my first attempt at long fiction, so I've decided to unabashedly display it. Have fun. Untitled: Chapter Three by Belinda Roddie I bet some of you are rather confused now. This story, I can tell, is bound to bring up a lot of questions. I’ve already demonstrated some earlier. Now, questions may not make the world spin, but they certainly are what the world revolves around. And I’m sure that I can guess what the new harvest of questions you may have is: You didn’t know you had been found in a coffin until you were fifteen? How could that possibly be? Didn’t you mention earlier that you remembered being in t...