NOTE: This is the fifth full-act play I ever wrote, at the age of twenty, while studying abroad at the University of Limerick in Ireland. While I believe it is the weakest of my plays, I am proud of some of the language in it and wanted to share it. This is Act I of the play. Enjoy. Dialogue With A Marionette: A Play In Two Acts by Belinda Roddie CAST (in order of appearance) NEMO, an Irish prophet of death EMACIATED WOMAN, an overused symbol of Ireland ELLEN D. GOAT, a soul collector JONATHAN C. RAM, a soul collector MORDREN, the daughter of the Grim Reaper TERRY MONAGHAN, an Irish senator NELL MONAGHAN, his wife CHARLES HAMILTON, an Irish senator ANNE HAMILTON, his wife DONAL PETERS, an Irish professor and Sean’s closest friend SEAN DOYLE, a former Irish senator ENSEMBLE SETTING The Other World Ireland WRITER’S NOTE: All stage directions and emotions listed in this script are open for suggestion. Altering them should not decrease the caliber ...