Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Many people rely on the physical rather than the spiritual these days. I happen to be one of them. Like many others, I have been stricken with a number of illnesses for the past two years, all of them being particularly minor. However, it is my mental constructions that have proved to be detrimental. What is simply a sore throat becomes a severe malady. A headache something to be feared. Sore thighs something to be wary of. All while ignoring the real spiritual substance of my life. There's no denying that I've felt a terrible disconnect from what I believe to be the deeper, more metaphysical elements of my world and my life. Yes, I am aware of the wonderful things that compose my life. My new job, which I love; my girlfriend, whom I adore; my family and friends, whom I cherish with all of my heart; and of course, my writing craft and my music. But my inspiration has been stilted as of late, and it's only tonight that I realize how displaced I've felt in terms of my...