Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Many people rely on the physical rather than the spiritual these days. I happen to be one of them.

Like many others, I have been stricken with a number of illnesses for the past two years, all of them being particularly minor. However, it is my mental constructions that have proved to be detrimental. What is simply a sore throat becomes a severe malady. A headache something to be feared. Sore thighs something to be wary of. All while ignoring the real spiritual substance of my life.

There's no denying that I've felt a terrible disconnect from what I believe to be the deeper, more metaphysical elements of my world and my life. Yes, I am aware of the wonderful things that compose my life. My new job, which I love; my girlfriend, whom I adore; my family and friends, whom I cherish with all of my heart; and of course, my writing craft and my music. But my inspiration has been stilted as of late, and it's only tonight that I realize how displaced I've felt in terms of my passions combined with my perspective on the universe and the deity who I believe is presiding over it.

Teaching, writing, composing, singing, and socializing have been in my blood throughout most of my days, but now I feel like there's a core to return to. I do want to return to my spiritual roots. I want to discuss the universe and its infinite possibilities. I want to continue on my path toward better understanding of myself on a level beyond my everyday life or what I see on the computer. The material world has really gotten to me, and I've relied too much on my physical body and the inconsistencies of technology to keep me safe. They don't. My mind, my heart, my soul, and my loved ones are what keep me safe. Always.

Whew. Now that that's out of the way, time to do some spiritual "cleansing" and some re-evaluating of my priorities. And of course, the usual quotation.

Writer's Quotation of the Night:

Every writer I know has trouble writing.
- Joseph Heller

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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