Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

This introspection is certainly written far earlier than the evening, but starting from early Friday afternoon, I will be without internet until Sunday. I will be celebrating the new year up north with my family, friend, and girlfriend where there are no computers or TV. Which is nice.

As a result, there will be no OneWord blog entries for Friday and Saturday. Storyteller will be a day late. I know I intended to post every day, but sometimes life demands a break or vacation from even creative outlets. So once I'm back and provided that my house hasn't been broken into during our trip (yay, irrational worrying), I will be back to posting on Sunday.

A lot of things sort of blew up in my face this week. As a result, I'm back to square one in multiple ways. It's injured me mentally and emotionally, and the sting may not go away for some time. Ultimately, however, it'll make me stronger, and I'll take a step forward and continue doing what I'm good at while improving upon what I'm not so good at.

It's also rather symbolic that all the bad stuff happened so close to the new year. In many ways, I really am starting fresh. I'm writing the bad memories on paper and stuffing them into the shredder (or burning them, as my girlfriend says I should do). I'm carrying the good memories in my pocket. 2012 will bring about a lot of new opportunities for me, and I'm going to tackle them all.

I've recently found new possible publishing outlets. I am halfway through my sixth full-act play (seventh piece of drama). I am consistently writing poetry and fiction (as you can plainly see). I am writing and I will continue to write. My family and friends keep me strong, and my girlfriend reminds me of how beautiful I am. And as much as it may be sometimes difficult to believe her, I will. ...Promise.

So to every reader, have a wonderful end of the year, and I wish you nothing but happiness in 2012 and the years to come. Because you all deserve happiness, new beginnings, and continued new and old friendships. Also, because the world will not end next December. Nyeh.

No recommendations tonight. Read whatever, drink whatever. Just have a great new year.

...Okay, I'll at least recommend champagne. There you go.


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