Tonight's Poet Corner: Portobello Sliders

Portobello Sliders by Belinda Roddie You broke up with me on a Monday evening over homemade portobello mushroom sliders, soggy zucchini, and white wine, stilted from the hand of summer pressed over my mouth. You ate three sliders on my Doctor Who- themed plate: Two with bleu cheese, one with artichoke and spinach and feta. Arugula drooped like a sad whisker from your lower lip. When I was done crying over your confession, the whole world lurched forward. Time stopped, but the Youtube video that were watching kept going. And the guy making audio commentary kept laughing about fools and laughing about "nice guys" and laughing about Tinder's love stories. I wish I could have made you choke on fungus soaked in soy sauce and olive oil after punching you in the throat.