
Showing posts from May 12, 2017

Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Well. This is it. Tonight, I finally get to reveal what I've been super vague about. The big update to my life that I hope will lead to a great new adventure full of learning and success and self-fulfillment. Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary lovelies...I am ridiculously gay. Oh, no, sorry. That part's painfully obvious. Moving on. The real news is: I have a new job! I will be teaching tenth grade English and Yearbook at a public high school in a nearby county. I start in August, and my wife and I will be moving as close as possible to the campus. It's a big change, and I'm very excited. I'm also extremely terrified. For a number of reasons - some legit, some irrational. For starters, I now have to say goodbye to Fusion Academy, where I have taught English and Social Studies for over two years. The time I have spent at this small but mighty school has been invaluable, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. I have grown so much as a teacher and a perso...

Friday's Ten Word Tales: Warrior's Duty

Warrior's Duty by Belinda Roddie I shape the dreams of children with a sword and shield.

Today's OneWord: Eyeliner

How many boys wore eyeliner to the concert that night? They screamed and blew kisses at one another as the lead guitarist made out with his microphone. Meanwhile, I was lusting after the bassist, with that red hair and her sweet, sweet hips, those kickass curves. I knew the pills were kicking in because then I saw double - awesome! Two sexy bassists!