Saturday's Storyteller: "My dream job is to be the person who writes elaborate descriptions on the backs of wine bottles." - THE THIRD INSTALLMENT!

by Belinda Roddie My dream job is to be the person who writes elaborate descriptions on the backs of wine bottles. I mean, do I have to explain it again? This is the third time! We're at Trilogy Level, homies! Okay, here we go! Summer Blast (White Blend) An aromatic journey into your nearest valley, this wine will make you want to pull on the white polo and khaki shorts, head out to the patio, and sip some citrus-y goodness while watching your neighbors play bocce ball. Experience the delicate hints of orange, lemon zest, and lavender if you can taste it. Just don't forget to wear sunscreen, or else your pasty butt will look like a beaten up football in then years. Uncommon (Verdejo) Let's be real: You probably have never heard of Verdejo before until you looked at this bottle. Well, today's your lucky day, Gary! Spice up your otherwise boring office cubicle experience with flavor profiles like lime, grapefruit, or fennel! Just be sure to put your mask back on after you...