
Showing posts from March 3, 2017

Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

I'd love to write a longer introspection. I really would. I have some things on my mind that I'd like to get out. Unfortunately, the Internet connection at my in-laws' place is cutting in and out, so I'll have to keep this brief so I can post it on time. Yep, my wife and I are getting away for a bit this weekend. It's always lovely to stay with family. We're celebrating her birthday, and there's sushi to nom tomorrow. We'll see if I wind up putting this week's thoughts into next week's introspection. Who knows - things might very well have changed drastically by then. Seems to be the way the world works now. Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.

Friday's Ten Word Tales: Mechanical Energy

Mechanical Energy by Belinda Roddie Yeah, man, I can totally sharpen pencils with my mind.

Today's OneWord: Dodged

"Hey. You okay?" "Yeah, I think so." "We sure dodged a bullet, huh?" "Yeah," grunted Shannon. "Literally." Max laughed and used the hem of her jacket to wipe the blood off Shannon's face. Luckily, the cut was very small, and it would clot soon. The two of them propped their weary bodies up against a dilapidated wall and passed a canteen between them. "How long before the next assault?" "Who knows. Hours? Minutes? Seconds?"