Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
This has been a really rough beginning of the year. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of good things that have been happening for me. I'm enjoying my student teaching and getting a lot of work done. I was able to get my training done for my official teaching job (I've been doing that for nine months, so best to get the orientation out of the way now). I love the fact that I can express my opinion about my work environment and strategies to improve the place I work at without getting reprimanded or dismissed (I know, my higher ups value my opinion. What a concept, huh?). I'm still consistently writing, and a lot is falling into place for my wedding; for example, I got to go to an amazing store for my suit fitting and wound up being treated like royalty there. That being said, a lot of difficult things have happened and been thrown either my way or a loved one's way. Besides just the toxic political environment (Can Donald Trump just go away already?), the mul...