Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

It's been a weird month so far, folks, in an already crazy as fuck year. Besides the obvious reasons, I've had my own secluded bubble of confusions, second guesses, and ruminations. And of course, I'ma spill about them right here. As you all know by now, my twin sister and I co-founded a still active digital theatre company back in March, and the number of amazing friends I've made through performances has been absolutely astonishing. Not only that, but I have been able to dive back into acting after over a decade of not being on some sort of "stage." It's been invigorating. It's been educational. It's been something that's helped me get through the week. And it's all thanks to the people I now consider close friends or even family (heck, I consider one of them a surrogate younger brother and another a "little sis from another miss." Those are the bonds I've forged). Right now, there's even a possibility of this company ...