Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Best way to put down introspection this week is through ups and downs. Ready go!
Ups: I'll be seeing my girlfriend the weekend after Thanksgiving; she also landed a role in a show at her university. My sister is busy rehearsing for a musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol, and I've begun work on a TV pilot. I'm planning to restart my graphic novel script in the next few days, I've composed a pretty little song I'm quite proud of, and I'm all around satisfied. Yay!
Downs: I'm fighting a cold. Girlfriend isn't going to be here for a while still. Worst part? ReARTED Zine is shutting down. Meaning my novella isn't getting published after all. I'm definitely disappointed. I thought this could really be an opportunity to get a piece of work sent out to a magazine that was actually willing to publish it. And now, considering the hostility publishers show toward work is back on the shelf for now. It really is a major "bummer," as you can call it.
But no time to be glum. Time to be optimistic. If all goes well, in the next one or two years I'll be able to head to grad school. Teaching is still a possibility. Publishing is still a possibility. And who knows, maybe I'll take on the NaNoWriMo challenge a bit late in the game. We'll see. For now, my work, my current projects, and my blog are all being focused on, and I'm staying positive. Best you can do in my situation because despite all the minor life's pretty damn great right now. And I'm not going to overlook that fact.
Now time for the regular recommendations:
Recommended Book: Misery by Stephen King
One of the few books I like by King. This is because the writing matches the quality of the story, compared to his lackluster and somewhat cheap horror novels. What can I see? I love psychotic character studies and realistic literature that sends a chill down my spine.
Recommended Poet: T.S. Eliot
I suggest him even just for "The Wasteland." Talk about a fantastic head trip.
Recommended Music: Kelly Clarkson
I can't help it. I just downloaded two songs by her. Guilty pleasure. GUILTY PLEASURE.
Recommended Drink before Bed: Emergen-C
...What? I'm sick, damn it.
Writer's Quotation of the Night:
If writers stopped writing about what happened to them, then there would be a lot of empty pages.
- Elaine Liner
Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.
Ups: I'll be seeing my girlfriend the weekend after Thanksgiving; she also landed a role in a show at her university. My sister is busy rehearsing for a musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol, and I've begun work on a TV pilot. I'm planning to restart my graphic novel script in the next few days, I've composed a pretty little song I'm quite proud of, and I'm all around satisfied. Yay!
Downs: I'm fighting a cold. Girlfriend isn't going to be here for a while still. Worst part? ReARTED Zine is shutting down. Meaning my novella isn't getting published after all. I'm definitely disappointed. I thought this could really be an opportunity to get a piece of work sent out to a magazine that was actually willing to publish it. And now, considering the hostility publishers show toward work is back on the shelf for now. It really is a major "bummer," as you can call it.
But no time to be glum. Time to be optimistic. If all goes well, in the next one or two years I'll be able to head to grad school. Teaching is still a possibility. Publishing is still a possibility. And who knows, maybe I'll take on the NaNoWriMo challenge a bit late in the game. We'll see. For now, my work, my current projects, and my blog are all being focused on, and I'm staying positive. Best you can do in my situation because despite all the minor life's pretty damn great right now. And I'm not going to overlook that fact.
Now time for the regular recommendations:
Recommended Book: Misery by Stephen King
One of the few books I like by King. This is because the writing matches the quality of the story, compared to his lackluster and somewhat cheap horror novels. What can I see? I love psychotic character studies and realistic literature that sends a chill down my spine.
Recommended Poet: T.S. Eliot
I suggest him even just for "The Wasteland." Talk about a fantastic head trip.
Recommended Music: Kelly Clarkson
I can't help it. I just downloaded two songs by her. Guilty pleasure. GUILTY PLEASURE.
Recommended Drink before Bed: Emergen-C
...What? I'm sick, damn it.
Writer's Quotation of the Night:
If writers stopped writing about what happened to them, then there would be a lot of empty pages.
- Elaine Liner
Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.
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