Tonight's Poet Corner: I Wanted Cheese Puffs

I Wanted Cheese Puffs
by Belinda Roddie

I wanted cheese puffs on New Year's Eve,
so we got a whole bucket from the grocery store,
a baguette tucked under each arm like bayonets
for the charge to the check-out lane, bottles in tow
to match each flavor. We hopped in Rob's truck,
popped in Heather's band's CD, and sang falsetto
to the flying soprano as we hurtled across melting
freeways with the windshield frosting just enough
to signify a thrill of doom. We perched on the bed
once we parked to see the moonless night,
toasting the next year of non-sequiturs, while I
savored each brittle, artificially tangy corn knot
on my tongue as my teeth crunched in synchronicity
to the sound of the fireworks above.


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