Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

I am not a big fan of the musical Annie. Not to say I don't like it: It has its songs and it has its moments, and who doesn't love watching evil Mrs. Hannigan throw a hissy fit about running a juvenile orphanage (which I wonder why she even took on if she hated children so much). I just happen to give it the almighty and powerful "meh" when someone asks what I think of it. But its lyrics certainly fit my mood lately, and no, I'm not talking about the ever popular "Tomorrow." I'm talking about lyrics from "I Don't Need Anything But You." Those lyrics between Annie and Daddy Warbucks ring rather true to me currently:

Yesterday was plain awful! / You can say that again! / Yesterday was plain awful, / but that's not now, that's then!

Yesterday was plain awful. No, I won't say it again. Nor will I go into much detail. All you need to know is that I made mistakes. I slipped up. I sucked it up. I worked my ass off. And as a result, my whole situation is getting better...hopefully.

I'm trying to push for a job I'll grow to love. I have begun selective job hunting, seeking work in education. I know...not the best move in California at the moment. But I need the experience to get a teaching credential and attend grad school. I want to be a professor. I want to be a writing professor. I want to write and teach. I want to do both in order to fully grow as an artist, mentor, and person. I can't work without people, and I mean really working with them. Don't get me wrong, there are some wonderful, beautiful people in my office. But the interaction is always light and limited, and I want to make connections and bonds that will last. That's what my current work situation is.

I've already begun aiming at targets. Today, I submitted an application for an instructional aide/campus supervisor position at an education center. I don't care if the kids try to make my life Hell - I will take it as a challenge. It's certainly better than staring at the same online form until your eyes melt. I am very aware that I need to work these kinds of jobs to progress in life - nothing comes instantly. But of course, that also means I need to be working for what I truly want even if I have to hold down a job I don't like. And that's what's really important.

Recommended Book: Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar
A successful attempt at making a story an adventure and a game, not just a linear telling of events. Oh, trust me, it can be linear. Then try following the page instructions. Then read it backwards. Then read it forwards again. Trust me, it's not just a great book. It's a great experience.

Recommended Poet: Allison Benis White
In particular, her book of poetry entitled "Self-Portrait in Crayon." It's like watching language performing a dance before your eyes.

Recommended Music: Radiohead
Only for "Pyramid Song." That song inspired me to write one of my plays.

Recommended Drink before Bed: Peppermint Hot Chocolate
See? It's not quite the same as regular hot chocolate! It's not cheating! I swear! Don't look at me like that! ...You're still looking at me like that. Damn it. ...Oh, and find the Ghiradelli mix. It's delicious.

Writer's Quotation of the Night:

The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

If you must stumble, be sure to get up again and find a metaphorical band-aid. Or a literal one, if necessary. Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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