Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

This week, I began work as an instructional assistant in a summer school program. My work consists of everyday mathematics for third graders and garden work with students from K-5.

It's interesting, to say the very least. Being a writer, reader, and musician first and foremost, it's different to tackle fields and studies that I'm not particularly strong in. Not that I can't do everyday math, and not that I don't like gardening. I just don't know much of the latter and don't think much of the former. Some things come so naturally that you just don't pay attention - like times tables, being so ingrained in the left side of your brain. Other things, like gardening for me, have me more as a witness than a doer. So I'm definitely working slightly outside my comfort zone.

But I am still doing what I want to do - teaching. This job has immensely beefed up my references and résumé. And considering that, after visiting my girlfriend, I began worrying about the future and how the two of us were going to live once she was out of college, it's nice to gain some stability at least in my work history. That way, I can really set my foot down in terms of showing people that I do have experience and I do have the knack for the potential job they may offer.

I'm juggling a lot of ideas in my head right now that it's hard to remember all of them. Obviously, I'm still keeping up with my writing; I even finished a TV pilot that I had longed delayed working on. As for future work, a teaching credential might be in the cards, considering what opportunities they give me to pay off my loans. Of course, certain inconveniences, big and small, have arisen as well, including seeing a car my parents got from my relatives only six months back breaking down as I was driving it back from Arden's place.

As I've said in prior introspections, as much as I'm nervous as Hell about the future as I always am, stability is still finding its way into my life. The key is to tackle as many aspects of adulthood as possible. The car situation has allowed me, albeit reluctantly, to think about what I will do if I wish to get my own car in the future. Pretty soon, I have to start thinking about paying for everything - my own place, my own internet, my own phone. I also have to think about my laptop getting too old or other pieces of technology needing to be replaced. And of course, there's the usual health stuff.

But I'm getting there. I really am. And I'm glad.

Writer's Quotation of the Night:

What no wife of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he's staring out of the window.
- Burton Rascoe

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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