Tonight's Poet Corner: 8-Bit Night

8-Bit Night
by Belinda Roddie

Serve me a cherry sundae,
but hold the sundae.
There's a line of
stars awaiting me, and I'm
noisily edging my way through the maze,
desperate to find a princess.

They say if I look in enough castles,
shimmy down enough pipes, and
stomp enough earth until it's flat,
I'll make something of myself.
If I can't go to space, I can
at least be a hero
and raise a flag.

Once you told me it was dangerous
to go alone, but all you gave me
was a sword without a voice
to be my companion. The way I see it
now, you always expected me to go
alone. But the idea that I could
go alone, and wipe out the
perilous phantoms haunting my

little grid - throwing shells,
stealing rings, shooting invaders
all while growing stronger - I think that
was how I knew
you put your high score
on me.


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