Today's OneWord: Unthinkable
Someone did the unthinkable around half past midnight.
The unthinkable, not to be thought thoroughly about at all, was named such in order to spare brainpower. The unthinkable, in one way or another, was meant to frighten skeptics, ready the guns of told-you-so-ers, and perpetuate a mythos across the entire town.
No one knew who had committed the unthinkable that particular half past midnight. That person was unthinkable as well.
The unthinkable, not to be thought thoroughly about at all, was named such in order to spare brainpower. The unthinkable, in one way or another, was meant to frighten skeptics, ready the guns of told-you-so-ers, and perpetuate a mythos across the entire town.
No one knew who had committed the unthinkable that particular half past midnight. That person was unthinkable as well.
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