Today's OneWord: Sultry
He said that she was sitting in a "sultry position," so he "could not help" ogling her and then reaching his smeared fingers out to touch her. He simply could not understand what he had done to deserve the crushed knuckles on his offending hand, smacked hard by a very heavy purse.
"And what was in that thing, anyway?" he growled as the bartender brought him a bag of ice. "Bricks?"
"Nah," I said with a glower. "I'd say her pride. And you deserve every ounce of pain from it."
"And what was in that thing, anyway?" he growled as the bartender brought him a bag of ice. "Bricks?"
"Nah," I said with a glower. "I'd say her pride. And you deserve every ounce of pain from it."
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