Tonight's Poet Corner: In Love With The Stranger Living In My Mind

In Love With The Stranger Living In My Mind
by Belinda Roddie

You are caught in the folds of my brain
like a popcorn kernel lodged between
my teeth. The more I try to kiss
you away, the deeper you burrow
into my psyche, a permanent
yet fickle fixture beside the factory
that brews up dreams while spewing smoke
as dense and thick as my anxiety.

You will not go away.

Even when I am asleep, I feel you tugging
on the sinews of my subconscience, a small
piping voice urging me to stay awake, to
get up and walk to the nearest corner, wave
down a taxi, and soar north where I can
make a new home for myself, with you. And
only you, wedged within me, breathing my
breath, pulsing with my blood, bloated
with my awkward and irrational fantasies.


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