Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Just call me Vague McVaguerson, 'cause I'ma do some introspection about some stuff that I can't give details about yet.

This week was full of news. Good news. Some of it I can divulge in the next week or so. Other news, I won't be revealing until everything's settled and officially ready and the time is right. Just know that it's positive, and it's fulfilling, and it's exciting, and it all signals a new adventure as I progress as both a writer and a teacher.

The world can be a very scary place, and sometimes, you need to know that everything in your little personal bubble is going according to plan. Well, that's what's happening in my little personal bubble. Things are working out the way I've wanted them to. And it's invigorating.

Obviously, you, my beautiful readers, will learn more in the foreseeable future. But there are other small victories I can openly share! For instance:

I transferred my two television miniseries - Happy Distribution and Full of Grace - to Celtx so they could follow a formal screenplay format.

I ordered a customized suit for a friend's wedding - and it fits (almost) perfectly!

I have been consistently going to the gym at least twice a week for the past three weeks with my wife. I have also been hiking more in order to prepare for a backpacking trip to Yosemite this summer.

Oh, yeah - I'm going backpacking in Yosemite this summer. It'll be the first time I will have ever backpacked. I'm both excited and terrified.

Wait...I already mentioned the gym and backpacking, didn't I?

(Checks last week's Introspection)

Yes. Yes, I did. ...And...

(Checks the Introspection from two weeks ago)

Yep. Mentioned it there, too.

My God, I'm repetitive.

I'm also going to see Neil Gaiman in exactly a week. As he's one of my favorite authors, I'm pumped.

And I'm seeing Hamilton in San Francisco in May. I know, guys. I know. And I'm not sorry.

My wife and I will have been married for exactly six months on April 8th.

We're going to visit my sister and boyfriend in New York for my spring break.

Hell, while we're at it, we're going to see my sister and her boyfriend this weekend, as they've just landed in California!

So, yeah. A lot of good things are happening in my life. And I hope that these victories can spread on a wider scale and positively affect the grand scheme of things. I mean, at least healthcare is safe due to a certain political party's epic fail. For now.

Anyway. I had a good time out with a couple of my friends, and now I am le sleepy. Time to clear my head for the night. And by clear my head, I mean inundate it with strange storylines and imagery brought to you by my hyper subconscious thoughts.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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