Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Honestly, I keep forgetting how fast a week can pass me by. I felt like my spring break would feel like a long reprieve, and at the beginning, it did. Now it's already Friday, and I only have a weekend before I return to work.

As much as I was planning to relax or do a little bit of outside work, I unfortunately didn't get to do much of either. While I did try to take it easy and do some personal writing and not focus too much on the almost finished yearbook, I was mostly on edge - stressed out or feeling like I wasn't being productive enough. It was so bizarre to me to just see my once busy schedule screech to a halt. I did manage to take care of a few things, but not everything. I still have to take my car in, take care of flights for weddings, do some heavy duty grading - where did all the time go?

Don't get me wrong - I had a lovely time with my in-laws and my wife last weekend. We got to see old friends at a garden party. My mother-in-law held a lovely seder. Easter was a nice, quiet day with good food and company. But once Arden and I drove back? I dunno, it all felt...weird. I kept getting reminded that I deserved this time off - that I deserved to take it easy. But it all seemed off to me. Like I was suspended in time and space, and clocks didn't make sense anymore.

It also doesn't help to have this free time because - surprise! - I'm back to some of my old habits. Those of you who have been reading my blog from the beginning know that I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies, especially when it comes to reading articles that could cause me anxiety. Information in said articles range from political to health-related. It's ridiculously bad for me, and I started lapsing back into some old emotional habits of me, which include upset outbursts over minor things. Fortunately, I caught this early and tried to monitor what I was doing with my free time. Of course, I still have plenty of work to catch up with. And of course, I'm procrastinating.

On a somewhat related note, I did the math, and if I counted correctly, in the past two or so months, OneWord has missed an update thirty-two times. That's thirty-two days without a new OneWord prompt - over a full month! It's been disappointing. I certainly have seen my views affected by this, as I do get a lot of attention from people I don't know clicking the link to my blog below my submissions. I really don't know what's going on, but I sincerely hope that OneWord returns to full capacity soon. I love the site, and it provides me with great opportunities to write in brief spurts and get some interesting ideas.

So, yeah. School starts again in less than three days. Yearbook's almost done. I still have a lot of grading to and other basic "I can be an adult" obligations to fulfill. I do get to be social tomorrow, though - the wifey and I are getting breakfast with friends, and we're all taking a trip to the Jelly Belly factory. And after that, it's dinner with my brother. So at least I'll get to sate the impatient extrovert side of myself that's been dormant for a few days.

Anyway. I should get some sleep. I've been staying up way later than I should, so I may as well get back to my regular bedtime schedule.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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