Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

You guys. guys.

This week turned out okay. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. Stuff got done. Happy times were had. Stressful times were had. That's life for ya.

But guys.

I am so tired.

I mean, I am drained. I have spilled so many of my guts out that it's like I'm trailing ribbons behind me. I am sapped. Fatigued. Just...plum tuckered out, y'know?

I have no energy for ranting. No strength for any stupid sob stories or self-pity sessions. Nothing like that.

I just need to take this weekend and relax. Relaxation sounds amazing right now. Hell, sleep sounds amazing right now. Like, it's not even ten o'clock yet, and I'm ready to collapse.

I'll go to the gym and meet with my parents for dinner on Saturday. Then I'll help out a friend on Sunday and see if anyone else wants to hang out. I'll do as much grading as I can.

It's just...I gotta rest, people.

Let's hope when I'm rejuvenated, the introspections aren't so morose and whiny anymore.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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