Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Christmas = come and gone.

Food = eaten.

Booze = thoroughly imbibed.

Fun family times = had.

Presents = appreciated.

Carols = definitely sung.

Sleeping in = accomplished.

Vacation = thank goodness.

Writing = eh?

This is normally where I'd be introspective about the new year, but I think I'll have to do that in 2020 next week. I think I just need a bit more time to mull over everything and find a simultaneously candid yet enthusiastic way to write down my views of 2019, both in my own life and in the rest of the world.

Because oh, gracious, it has been a roller coaster on all fronts, hasn't it?

Stay tuned.

Also, here's a picture of my mother-in-law beating me once again in Scrabble, 257-247. It was a nailbiter of a game on Christmas Day.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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