Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Man, time is weird, isn't it? It feels like it's taking forever, and yet, simultaneously, it whizzes by.
For example: It feels like yesterday that I was groaning about having eight more weeks of distance learning to teach. Now there are only three weeks left.
Anyway, for those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, I have started writing a new play! It is a full act in direct response to an earlier piece I wrote that was completely self-loathing in regards to my sexuality. ...Yeah, fuck that. Rewrite!
I also got to play Daniel Lewis in OK Zoomer's Reading of I'll Leave It To You. Coward said in the play that he was a bachelor. We all know the truth, my dude.
Also, I forgot how fun Jackbox was.
Also also, I'm organizing an online prom for Saturday the 23rd, and my new suit came in. And I look fabulous in it.
Also also also, it's almost a slew of anniversaries for Arden and me. May 18th is Binx's "Gotcha" Day. May 19th is nine years since the day we first met. And May 24th is the ninth anniversary of our first date.
I have known my wife for almost a decade. And I'm so fucking happy.
I hope y'all are happy, too. Even while the world falls apart.
Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.
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