Tonight's Poet Corner: Pinstripe
by Belinda Roddie
I nearly
strangled a guy in the park today.
True story. He was
hitting on my girlfriend
with a vengeance,
and when she said
he tried to rip off her shirt
and lick her.
I was behind him like a guard dog,
teeth gnashing, barking,
as I undid my
purple pinstripe
and wound it around his neck
like he was the dog
on the leash.
And when he turned
a similar shade of
purple, I warned him.
The knot tightened:
"If you ever,
try to assault my girl again,
asphyxiate you."
He dropped like a limp rag
on the pavement
and we took off hand in hand.
I love wearing neckties.
by Belinda Roddie
I nearly
strangled a guy in the park today.
True story. He was
hitting on my girlfriend
with a vengeance,
and when she said
he tried to rip off her shirt
and lick her.
I was behind him like a guard dog,
teeth gnashing, barking,
as I undid my
purple pinstripe
and wound it around his neck
like he was the dog
on the leash.
And when he turned
a similar shade of
purple, I warned him.
The knot tightened:
"If you ever,
try to assault my girl again,
asphyxiate you."
He dropped like a limp rag
on the pavement
and we took off hand in hand.
I love wearing neckties.
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