Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Work. Mur.

And now, recommendations:

Recommended Book: Jar of Fools by Jason Lutes
Technically a graphic book, but a fantastic story with simple but beautiful artwork.

Recommended Poet: Paul Celan
Poignant and frighteningly personal poetry from a man whose parents died in the Holocaust. Read his poems in English and German, and try to find audio of him reciting one of my favorite poems, "Death Fugue."

Recommended Music: Ennio Morricone
Perhaps most known for his Love Theme, this man has composed the scores of several movies and always tugs at my heartstrings.

Recommended Drink before Bed: Bailey's on the rocks
Again, not for the underage viewers.
Writer's Quotation of the Night:

Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.
-C.S. Lewis

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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