Tonight's Poet Corner: Hair Like Data

Hair Like Data
by Belinda Roddie

The curls bounced, swayed,
burnt into crispy strands of
code against my fingers.
You burst away from me, then,
eyes crying texts,
before you erupted into a beautiful rainbow
arc of static and computed bone.

I scrambled
to read your goodbye message,
artificial heart stricken with
a formula of fear,
then groped for the window
where unbeknownst to me
the tall dark scientists
with golden hair
watched me claw and
heard me scream.

Making a pledge to
scrape the system like crackling
talons against stone, I found access
to the cosmos outside my home,
using the stars as my stones
in the endless river of dust.
I did not need to breathe in my quest
to find the edge of the universe,
and when I did find it,
the very end of it sparkled like
graying diamonds, an end in which I knew,

if I walked through it, I would dissolve
into a mere invention of a
super minded nerd
who would feel his own DNA
wisp away in the
glitch known as time,
and his journey would be as
equally beautiful as ours.


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