Friday's Whims of the Time Traveler 82.0: April 6th, 2011

New As Queer
by Belinda Roddie

The anxiety-inducing
truth is that to
some people the word
"queer" was meant for us,
defined for us, like we're
condensed onto one page
of a dichotomy.
Because if you
look at that tiny
text, you see that
queer links to
the strange, the odd, the
different, the deviant.
The deviant. Like we're all
meant to marry in white gowns
and tailored tuxedos
and then fuck each other
silly and have ten
children with scooters or
easy-bake ovens.
Okay. So I'm the deviant.
I'm the deviant from a
reproductive standpoint, because
I'm not scouring my street
for a mate and popping out
a litter for the survival
of my species. Although
given the everchanging
statistics of a world that
doesn't have enough dry
land to hold eight billion
people on dirt, you'd
think I'm doing the
world a fucking favor
because I
being the deviant.
being the deviant
I'm queer,
and you're
and everyone's fucking
queer because
we're all
deviants, and we all,
regardless of race,
or lover,
are different,
and the screamers
chewing at the corners
of their Bibles
who give Christian queers
like me a bad name
could find something
wrong with each
and every fucking
one of you,
because they
can't be queer,
everyone else
has to be queer,
and I
am a threat
to them,
because I know
that the truth,
the anxiety-inducing
truth, is that I love
God and He loves
me, and God never said
queers are meant to be
spat on and despised,
Men did!
Because they can't handle
God holding hands
with a man or a
woman, and they can't
see beyond a block of
text in a scripture,
or a verse, or a
dictionary definition.
Because they can't handle
people like me
loving the way they are,
living in the same
neighborhood, loving
better than they can,
living better than they can.
And if I
the deviant,
then thank the Lord
I am,
because I will
never be
what they want,
what is meant
for me.

The work you see here has not been edited nor altered since April 6th, 2011.


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