Tonight's Poet Corner: Everyone Except Laurie
Everyone Except Laurie
by Belinda Roddie
Everyone except Laurie drank rum,
smoked cigars, dipped their cold toes
into colder water, and sang songs to
appease the moon so it wouldn't get
too full and drive them all half-mad.
But Laurie stayed in her room, stringing
and re-stringing her mandolin, the tuning
never perfect, trying to strum a war cry
for the cosmos to scream in rebellion,
to suck the snobby planet dry.
by Belinda Roddie
Everyone except Laurie drank rum,
smoked cigars, dipped their cold toes
into colder water, and sang songs to
appease the moon so it wouldn't get
too full and drive them all half-mad.
But Laurie stayed in her room, stringing
and re-stringing her mandolin, the tuning
never perfect, trying to strum a war cry
for the cosmos to scream in rebellion,
to suck the snobby planet dry.
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