Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Tomorrow is National Coming Out Day. I have been out for almost four years. And wow, it's been an amazing ride since then.

I met and fell in love with my now fiancée back in May of 2011, a mere three months after coming out officially to my family and friends. We were able to achieve marriage equality - and major steps forward in trans rights - in my state beginning in 2013. Now, when I see the momentum in other states to accept LGBTQ+ youth, allow same-sex marriage, and promote the love and safety of trans citizens, I am filled with nothing but hope.

There is a lot of crazy stuff happening in our world, and a lot of it isn't that great. A lot of it I get hung up on, and scared about, and the hopelessness is really easy to get addicted to. The LGBTQ+ movement also has its footsteps taken backward, but more consistently than not, it is moving forward. People are opening up to the queer community and learning how to learn and love. Old prejudices are being discarded. I can only wish that such could apply to other minorities who have been fighting for so long as well. I'm looking at you, Ferguson.

I am incredibly lucky in terms of the environment I live in and the people I am surrounded with. I have not had to endure many harsh words regarding my sexuality, and I certainly have not been bullied, threatened, or injured for it. That's extremely fortunate. That being said, I am very aware of how many LGBT+ youth and adults do not have the same luxury as I do. They go to work with the fear that they might be fired for who they are. They go to school, dreading the next time someone launches a slur at them. They go home to their families, unable to tell them the truth, because they might be abandoned, sent to therapy, or knocked in the head with a Bible. A lot has been done for the queer community, but we still have so much more to go. And I am confident that we will make it to true tolerance and equality, even though I wish it were happening faster.

As I have said many times on this blog, I am proud to be who I am and want to be there for any individuals who still might need the courage and support to be who they are as well. I love each and every one of you, whether you are straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, cisgender, transgender, agender, bigender, trigender, or identifying as anything other than the terms above. I am always available if you need any help or advice regarding becoming comfortable with who you are or who you are meant to be. Yes, my handful of readers, I am here for you if you need to ask me, or message me, anything.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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