Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

I have started a new mini-series. Don't worry - this does not mean that my current novel will be left unfinished, though I may take a brief hiatus to focus on other projects. One of which, by the way, is a secret (Shhhh! It's a Christmas present! Don't pry me for answers!).

My first completed mini-series, "Happy Distribution," focused mainly on the concept of doubt and second guessing a solid relationship for the sake of past infatuation. This next series, tentatively titled, "Full of Grace," will be regarding a personal conflict that I had to deal with some time ago, and still have to deal with on a minor level. Specifically, it deals with the concept of religion clashing with sexuality. Even more specifically, it focuses on Catholicism and a same-sex couple, with the protagonist almost fanatically attempting to get her marriage acknowledged in the church that she was raised in and cares deeply about.

I was raised and confirmed Catholic as a young girl, and a lot of my beliefs have faded into the ether, especially after I came out in 2011. That's not to say that I'm not grateful for the lessons I learned in church or the friends I found in the Newman club on my university campus. Catholicism was a major part of my college experience, and in a good way. It allowed me to relax during my studies, practice self-discipline when it came to periods like Lent, and celebrate holidays and other holy events. Not only that, but I was also exposed to various other religions at the Interfaith Center, which connected me more to my spiritual side. Of course, this was all before I came out.

With my Christian roots on my mind especially as I get into the Christmas season, I sincerely hope that "Full of Grace" will allow me to reconnect with some of the amazing memories and ideas I took with me from my university and my faith. While I do not believe many of the concepts behind Catholicism these days, I have forged a deep intrigue in regards to religion and its roles in society and everyday life. "Full of Grace" will not just address my story of sexuality versus Catholicism - it will also deal with my fascinations with Judaism, atheism, agnosticism, and spirituality in general. Hell, one of my best college courses was "Great Issues of Hebrew Scripture." I still have a collection of memorable quotations from my professor, who was also a rabbi.

No matter what I ultimately believe or don't believe in, my faith shaped me and my circle of friends in many ways. I do internally believe that the universe is full of mysteries, some if not all of which I hope we can solve and explore. The idea of something out there that is greater than we can fathom as humans is always tantalizing because it means that we are left with the unknown, which can be terrifying and exhilarating. My poems and stories on this blog have delved into the topics of enigmatic phenomena, all while remembering how little I know and how much more I want to learn. Whether or not the ultimate explanation is God, or the cosmos as a mighty force, or something entirely different than we ever could have possibly expected - the point is, the discovery of meaning behind the universe and its qualities will always entice me, as both a science lover, a religious scholar, and a storyteller.

I will obviously give you all updates as I work on my new projects and return to my older ones. In the meantime, wow, I have to go back to writing Storytellers? That's gonna be a doozy. Wish me luck!

Writer's Quotation of the Night:

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.
- Louis L'Amour

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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