Today's OneWord: Wealth
"I don't believe in wealth distribution," Uma remarked dryly. "If poor people can't pick themselves up off the ground, they deserve to be poor."
"My father," I replied, "was a train conductor for years before cuts cost him his job. He tried everything, but no one wanted to hire him. Not at his age, not with his health problems. Now you're telling me my father deserves to be poor because of circumstances he could not control. Tell me, should your vast bank account shrink to nothing and you're starving on the street, should I just tell you you deserve it and go on my merry way?"
"My father," I replied, "was a train conductor for years before cuts cost him his job. He tried everything, but no one wanted to hire him. Not at his age, not with his health problems. Now you're telling me my father deserves to be poor because of circumstances he could not control. Tell me, should your vast bank account shrink to nothing and you're starving on the street, should I just tell you you deserve it and go on my merry way?"
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