Saturday's Storyteller: "Into the earth we dig we dig we dig to find my boy."
by Belinda Roddie
Into the earth we dig we dig we dig to find my boy. The pit in the earth is big and big and bigger 'til we find my boy. The shovel is splintering in my fingers, and the pain is great and forever lingers, but I won't stop digging, so we dig we dig we dig to find my boy.
Into the earth we dig we dig we dig to find my boy. The pit in the earth is big and big and bigger 'til we find my boy. The shovel is splintering in my fingers, and the pain is great and forever lingers, but I won't stop digging, so we dig we dig we dig to find my boy.
Deep into the night, we dig we dig we dig to find my boy. My stomach is light and sick and sick and sick I feel for my boy. Two men have given up and already gone home. The third is considering leaving me alone. But we both keep digging, and we dig we dig we dig to find my boy.
The reason we're digging and we dig we dig we dig to find my boy is because he fell in the pit the pit the pit - my poor, sweet boy. He was simply skipping on his merry way when a rift opened up in the soggy clay, and it stole him today, so we dig we dig we dig to find my boy.
And my neck is stiff as we dig we dig we dig to find my boy. And I feel so numb in my lips my lips my lips while we find my boy. It's been thirteen hours since the digging began, and I'm excavating as best as I can, but there's nothing but sand as we dig we dig we dig to find my boy.
Now the third man's gone, but I dig I dig I dig to find my boy. And I'm cold but still strong in the mist the mist the mist as I scrounge for my boy. Now the howling's begun in the houses nearby as the neighborhood dogs all join in the cry, and I know I might die, but I dig I dig I dig to find my boy.
My screaming begins while I dig I dig I dig to find my boy. He's forever in the ditch the ditch the ditch my swallowed boy. Yes, the world has a mouth, and it's gobbled up whole my one son in its maw and devoured his soul. But I do not give in, so I dig I dig I dig to find my boy.
As I reach the earth's core, I dig I dig I dig to find my boy. Magma's already scorched my limbs my limbs my limbs, and it's burned my boy. It's digested his body in liquid flame, incinerated my skin and melted my brain, and I know I'm insane but I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig I dig to find my boy.
This week's prompt was provided by Daniel Bulone.
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