Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Tomorrow, one of my good friends is getting married. Yes, it is that time of my life. Time for those I know to start getting hitched. Myself included.

This wedding also marks the first time I have been a member of a bridal party. As I know the groom, I am a groomsman (or groomsperson, I suppose? Is that the better descripto for me). I get to wear a tux, look all cool with the rest of the boys, and make my fiancée swoon. I get to see some amazing friends of mine who I don't get to hang out with that often due to distance. I'm really happy for my friend and his wife-to-be, but I'm also happy for everyone involved because it means we can reunite and commemorate our friendships and times together.

And that sappiness is enough to make any pragmatist gag. Time for me to get some sleep and get ready for my buddy's big day. Weddings are pretty intense, yo!

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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