Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Okay. So here's the deal.

I want to make a professional effort not to divulge too much info about my new job. This is not just because I find it uncouth to spill too much about my teaching role in a public school. It's also because I want to respect the privacy of my students, as well as be courteous to my fellow teachers and colleagues. So that will mean that many of my introspections, going into the future, will not necessarily be about my work unless I truly need to share something shocking or groundbreaking.

For now, I can tell you a few things, so let's do the breakdown!

English classes: Two are excellent. One is rowdy, but fun. The other...well, as all teachers say, there's always that "one class."

In short: Hoo, boy!

Yearbook: This has been an adventure so far! I think I have, for the most part, a really good team. As I've mentioned before, I'm on a very, very sharp learning curve, so I've been getting support from a lot of amazing people who either work with me in Yearbook now or have worked in it before. Our equipment is...not stellar. I honestly think it's the main thing holding us back, besides the occasional lack of understanding about how serious creating a book we sell for a good chunk of money really is.

It has been amazing to meet my students and their parents, as well as my fellow staff in the English Department at the high school. Plus, I plan to make friends with those running Leadership and Journalism, as that will greatly help with our publication. I'm grabbing up as much help as I can get!

Weather: It's hot, you guys. Seriously. It got up to 107 degrees today. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. And tomorrow? It's gonna be just as bad.

But go ahead and keep saying climate change ain't real, deniers. Have fun.

Writing: I'm still doing it. For the most part, it has been maintaining this blog. I've jumped back into a bit of my nerdy writing (Thanks for the universe, George Lucas!), so that's refreshing, even if I can't do too much of it. This school year, obviously, will not be a year for NaNoWriMo or longer projects. My Storytellers will typically be pretty short, though my poems will always vary. It's just that the work I'm undertaking as both an English teacher and a Yearbook adviser takes priority. And I'm fine with that.

Writing remains the core of who I am and what I do. So I'm not stopping any time soon; I'm just not as feverish about it as I have been in the past. Basically, no writing novels in eight days anymore.

So...yeah: That's it. Two weeks of teaching in public school now under my belt. I'll be doing my induction program as well - wheeee! So a lot of work, a lot of stress, and a lot of headaches. But also a lot of excitement nd learning new things - referring to both my students and to me.

Time to make kids tolerate English a bit more and get my Yearbook team to crack down on making this year's book a good one. Wish me luck!

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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