Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Okay. First of all, holy Hell, has 2018 started in a completely insane way globally. Just everything from the current administration to nuclear tension to...I don't even want to talk about it. Let's put our blinders on and focus only on my personal bubble, shall we? 'Cause that's productive and healthy for our eroding democracy!

Good news is: I completed Season One of my TV project, Goza. It was an absolute blast to write, and it felt really good to have enough time to dedicate to more personal writing. Obviously, whenever I write something that requires performance or production, I know it might just sit in my emails or my hard drive for years. But hey, if any of you lovely readers are interested in reading the first season - let me know! I'll email you the episodes personally.

In the meantime, I am taking a break from Goza, especially since my winter break is almost over and I have papers to grade before jumping right back into teaching English and Yearbook. The latter's staff has their third deadline out of six coming up, so here's hoping either they got some work done over the break, or they're ready to hunker down if they didn't get work done over the break.

Once things have settled in the second semester of school, I will definitely get started on Season Two of Goza. Season One, which I call the Fairy Tale Season (I'ma trademark that), was definitely a romp of sorts - very optimistic, vivid, and fun to write, especially as it was mostly establishing characters and setting. I certainly think there was an adequate amount of cheese in the first season, if you get my drift, and that was certainly intentional. I mean, there are some wacky shenanigans, weird "evil" plans, and lots of miniaturized adventure in a small space (please forgive me for being vague; it's a serious writing project, so I'm purposely being a minimalist about details).

Season Two, by contrast, is going to be much darker - focusing on the not-so-nice parts of the environment I've set up. That, and I'll be open to crack open some of my characters' skulls and explore them in a more psychological way - let's just say that they are not the happiest people at times, and a lot of demons live inside that funky gray matter of theirs. I'm certainly not going to force down any social commentary or blatant morals. But I'm definitely not going to hold back when it comes to exposing the truths I see regarding the world I've created.

And really, that's what I love most about writing: Creating interesting characters, who in turn contribute to an interesting world. I'm looking forward to whatever I come up with - and I'm also looking forward to receiving any responses or feedback to Season One should anyone like to read it.

In the meantime, I'll be getting some rest, trying not to freak out over how authoritarian our government is starting to look (deja vu from 2017, anyone?), and enjoying tea time with my wife, my sister, my mother, and a couple of my friends. I hope you all are safe, warm, and happy. And I hope you're all continuing to do what you love, despite any opposing forces in your lives.

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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