Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

I hate making mistakes.

I hate making mistakes.

I hate making mistakes.

I hate making mistakes. I hate making mistakes. I hate making mistakes.

Mistakes that cost money and make me look bad in front of my boss are more than a nuisance. They're a goddamn nightmare.

Mistakes that could potentially ruin a good reputation I've worked my ass off to build and maintain come straight from the devil's hot and sweaty bowels.

I hate them.

I'd like to boil all the mistakes I've made in a cauldron of acid.

I'd like to take all the mistakes I've made outside when it's dark and beat 'em all with a stick.

I'd like to cut all the mistakes I've made into little tiny pieces with a very sharp knife, salt them, butter them, and serve them as dinner for my imaginary dogs.

I hate making mistakes.

I hate making mistakes.






Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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