Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Today was a pretty good day, in all retrospect. I ran my first official Socratic seminar independently with my English classes, with two classes doing very well and two almost there with the student-led spirit of the conversations. Also, while we definitely need more time with our final deadline, the final pages of the yearbook are coming along quite nicely. I still have to cope with students misinterpreting some comments I've made, but that's par for the course as a teacher.

Tonight was truly the icing on the cake, though, and just reiterated how lucky I am to have been chosen by my incredible wifey. She made a delicious angel hair and chicken dinner (I provided the wine and Moscow Mules), and we got to have some amazing conversations about everything from past jobs to mortality to gun control to a marriage-oriented tarot reading. We even had to keep pausing the first episode of the newest season of Queer Eye because we were so busy chatting. It was so refreshing to have such a light and relaxing evening with one of the most amazing women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing; thank goodness she decided I was worth marrying!

I think that, despite the gloomy weather and the occasional moments where I'm a mopey zoo lion (thanks to Cards Against Humanity for that image), I'm starting to finally recover and heal from what has admittedly been an incredibly rough start to the year. 2019 has mostly been a hot mess for me, but having some incredible people in my life has been my saving grace. I could not be more grateful for my family, friends, wonderful students, and beautiful spouse for keeping me in check, healthy, and sane.

So! Tomorrow is shopping day - a belated birthday gift to Arden. I'm looking forward to relaxing and braving the whiplash weather as we launch into my least favorite season of the year. Thanks for everything, rain - you're just temporarily dampening my allergies until they aggressively strike!

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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