Saturday's Storyteller: "That's no meerkat; 'tis merely a cat."

by Belinda Roddie

That's no meerkat; 'tis merely a cat. And his name is Thackery Binx Roddie.

Yeah, I didn't really have a Storyteller idea this week - because all my time was taken up by the new, furry member of our family! Meet Thackery Binx, or Binx for short - 1 1/2 years old, all black domestic short hair, and a complete sweetheart. Loves to explore, though he is definitely a Cautious Cathy (get it? Cat-hy?!). Arden and I love him, and we look forward to all the years we can spend with him as his cat mommies!

And yes - he does sometimes sit up on his hind legs like a meerkat.


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