Tonight's Poet Corner: Kissed By Gravity

Kissed By Gravity
by Belinda Roddie

I lay crumpled at the bottom
of a staircase - fetal position
activated, the curve of my body

like a rosebud that refuses
to blossom, not under
the current circumstances.
You found me, somehow,

singing instead of crying.
I guess shock can spring
a soul into a musical interlude.
And when you found that no

bones were broken, you still
wanted to splint my spirit,
anyway, for it was fractured

in at least seventeen places
from the fall. Somehow, tea
didn't heat me up, nor did
damp towels cool the dance

cooked up by the tempo of
the tune I had thrummed like
an overrevved engine. I had
felt the laws of physics pull me

into their multiarmed goddess
embrace. And now there you were,
trying to lift me up to a Heaven
that I never had the strength to reach.


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