Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Another week ends, and I find it kind of funny how my mindset can change in a matter of a few days. However, one thing continually lingers in the air: Uncertainty. And let me tell you, humanity's uncertainty and irrationality about everything gives me all the fodder I need to write.

So first off, a big update this week: I have a job now. ...Well, I don't have the job quite yet, but I was offered the job. I just finished up the drug test and they'll be doing the background check on me and then I'll have a job. ...Well, not a permanent job, but a seasonal one, and hey, best to start somewhere. Lord knows whether or not it'll become permanent.

What's the most interesting about my reaction to this chain of events is that - really - I'm not changing my routine much. Yes, my schedule will be riddled with day or evening shifts (most likely both), but I'll still be doing the things I regularly do. That includes my writing routine. That's not changing any time soon, and if I have to adapt, I'll adapt. But still expect the regular updates from me, especially since I may not hear from my new workplace regarding orientation until at least a week from now.

But hey, does wonders for my optimism, but the fact of the matter is, I'm still uncertain about my path in life. Will this job pan out to be more than seasonal? Will I still have to frequent Craigslist for permanent jobs in order to pay off my loans? What's going to happen with my life in general, being so far away from my college friends and my beautiful girlfriend? And that's when I realize how much I really love technology. Yaaaaay, Skype!

Anyway, here are my recommendations for tonight's Poet Corner, which I'd recommend continuing on through the week, even:

Recommended Book: The Little Prince by Antoine Marie-Rogers de Saint-Exúpery.
Yeah, his name's a mouthful. But if you haven't read this classic...READ IT.

Recommended Poet: Patty Seyburn
Specifically, her poetry collection titled Hilarity. It's a great rendition of poetry that takes on a light-hearted, anecdotal approach that shows that poetry, instead of being a massive downer to read all the time, can make you laugh.

Recommended Music: Brandi Carlile
A brilliant singer/songwriter from Washington with an amazing band to back her up. I've seen her twice live and recommend her albums to anyone who enjoys folk music, rock music, country music, or anything in between.

Recommended Drink before Bed: Sparkling Cider
Non-alcoholic, of course.

Writer's Quotation of the Night:

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.
- Cyril Connolly

Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.


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