Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection

Another Thanksgiving come and gone. Let's review the week, shall we? Ready, go!

So on Monday, I got to work with a couple of my students to add to the Yearbook pages due in just another week or so. Points for productivity.

Tuesday, the wife and I drove down to her parents' place and had a relaxing evening. Points for the fact that pizza with cornmeal crust is absolutely delicious.

Then on Wednesday, my wife, my mother-in-law, and I went on a really awesome hike on the Lodato Trail, and it was really just affirming for me to finish the loop with a lot more ease than I've done in the past. Eating smaller portions, drinking less alcohol, and walking up and down stairs every day makes a difference, people! Also, points for finding a personal record-breaking thirty-five banana slugs while hiking on the trail.

Thursday - the day we were waiting for - rolled around, and I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for the first time in years. Guys, there's now a Spongebob Squarepants Broadway musical - did y'all know that? It's ridiculously uncanny. Also, the in-laws, wife, and I got to prepare and eat delicious food. Points for my smooth victory in Cards Against Humanity that night - I guess I understand my in-laws' sense of humor more than I thought!

Finally, today was the Dickens Fair. Now, this was my very first time going, and I gotta say, I thought it was pretty fun. I got to dress up, I got to see a lot of people performing and in costume, and I got a "magic" cane for an early Christmas present (thanks, Paul!). The person who sold it to me runs a wand shop and said, "This cane will always know where to go when there's a fork in the road, but it may wander off without you." Cheesy, I know, but hey, adds to that Victorian flair. Of course, the Cow Palace definitely could have used some fans or ventilation, as it was ridiculously warm. But it really did help me transition from that Thanksgiving spirit to the expected Christmas spirit.

And it doesn't stop there. Tomorrow is my ten year high school reunion. Yes, I'm going to that. And yes, I'm showing off the wife. She agreed to it, folks - don't worry!

It's been a whirlwind of a week, and I've enjoyed each day of it. It's been awesome to have some time to myself and take a break from the craziness of my job and yearbook work. I'm going to savor this weekend as much as I can before I have to jump back to my regular schedule - and I'm thankful for both the time I've had and the people I've spent that time with.

Of course, I'm thankful to all of you as well, my handful of lovely readers. Have a great night and a great weekend.


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