Tonight's Poet Corner: Introspection
Okay, what the fuck, people. I wanted to just unwind this week, focus on turning thirty-two and enjoying adventures with friends. But it just had to be ruined, didn't it?
Jesus Christ, I am sick and tired of emotionally abusive people. I am sick and tired of members of my family and loved ones being emotionally abused. I am sick and tired of seeing members of my family be emotionally abusive while putting other emotionally abusive people on a pedestal.
I don't give a shit if it's unintentional. Abuse is abuse. I'm not obligated to tell you about every aspect of my life. You're not owed my secrets. You don't get to guilt me for things you yourself can control and improve upon.
And for fuck's sake, stop acting like you know everything and trust the people and the research!
There are people I love who refuse to learn and grow. Like they're really teaching me something when they can't even deprogram their own prejudices and false assumptions. Give. Me. A. Break.
I'm done. I'm so done. And pretty soon, I'm going to start cutting down the time I spend with certain folks, be they blood related or no.
I am not old enough to be paralyzed by my own bias or ignorance.
But at the same time, I am too old for this nonsense.
Have a great night and a great weekend, everyone.
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